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Mother/Daughter Nurture Circle

  • YogaSol 11 Mawarra Crescent Ferny Hills, QLD, 4055 Australia (map)

You are invited to share in Mother/Daughter Nurture circle on Saturday afternoon of Mother's Day Weekend!

A beautiful opportunity to connect with your daughter in 2 hours quality time, appreciating, nurturing and sharing with each other.

The afternoon will include:
- Massage
- Meditation
- Craft
- Heartfelt sharing
- Afternoon tea

Yoga Sol Studios; Shiva room
11 Mawarra Crescent, Ferny Hills

Mother's Day Weekend; Saturday 13 May from 2-4pm

Cyena is a Mum, Homeopath, Naturopath and Women's Circle facilitator with a passion for creating sacred spaces for women and young girls, fostering connection and wellbeing.

Cyena completed facilitator training with Red Tent Australia. Cyena has previously held workshops and events for Samford Red Tent; including women’s circles, maiden circles, menstruation education workshops and Mother/Daughter events. Cyena has also undertaken the Rites of Passage training (Maiden, Mother, Mage, Crone) with Tanishka Moon Woman.

Cyena has a passion for creating sacred spaces for women to gather and believes in the importance of helping young girls to embrace their transition to womanhood through positive role-modelling, support, connection and deep-honouring of self. 

Cyena also facilitates Passage to Menarche, a 5-workshop series for prepubescent girls and their mothers exploring the physical and emotional changes that occur in the transition to puberty. For more information go to

Daughters aged 8+ are suited to attend.

Go to Mother/Daughter Nurture Circle.