Never fully recovered from COVID or Influenza?

There are some super-bugs going around with the onset of our coldest months, including new strains of COVID, Influenza A and B. These viruses tax our immune system more heavily than a regular rhinovirus, requiring increased resources to get the infection under control, as well as taking out more collateral damage on the system at a cellular level.

Signs that you have a post-viral syndrome because of incomplete recovery from acute illness, include:

- unresolved symptoms (e.g. lingering cough);

- fatigue;

- return of latent viruses (e.g. herpes);

- unrefreshing sleep;

- mood disorders (e.g. anxiety, depression);

- breathing problems (e.g. shortness of breath);

- disordered bowels;

- recurrent headaches or migraines

just to name a few of the main ones that can occur!

What you need to do is to give your system an earnest top-up of resources to:

- detoxify viral fragments that may still be causing damage to tissues in your body;

- support cellular repair;

- reduce inflammation;

- boost immune system function to finish the job of getting rid of the virus load completely;

- recover the gut microbiome;

- nourish your body by flooding it with nutrients!

If you don't invest in a period of repair after you've had one of the more serious viruses, you may not recover fully, affecting your overall performance. You will also be more vulnerable to other viruses taking hold and to more serious complications of subsequent infections.

Talk to me about post-viral support strategies to ensure your best health; email

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