Post-viral TLC

After a period of prolonged acute illness, such as COVID or influenza, the impulse is to get back to your previous habits, as quickly as possible! You’re sick of being sick, and you want things to get back to normal!

But this is a vulnerable time; you’ve used up a lot of resources fighting an infection, and your body needs some TLC.

Here are my tips for full recovery:

- Adaptogens like Ashwaganda, Schisandra, Astragalus, as well as medicinal mushrooms like Reishi, Shiitake and Turkey tail can help boost your energy reserves, supporting your immune and nervous systems.
- Tonics like Elecampane for the lungs and Elderberry for the sinuses can help clear the last of the symptoms and support those tissues to getting back to full capacity;
- Continuing to take antiviral support (e.g. Echinacea, Andrographis, zinc) for at least a week after your symptoms subside, makes sure that the infection won’t come back!

- Gentle daily yoga and/or walking encourages circulation, bringing nutrients to all of the organs and tissues, reversing stagnation from being in a state of rest. Avoid exerting yourself beyond your energy level.

- Continuing to eat warming foods that are easy to digest (porridge, soups, slow cooked stews);
- Avoid high sugar foods that would feed any residual infection;
- Avoid dairy foods that would contribute to mucous load;
- Include fruits high in vitamin C e.g. kiwi fruit, oranges, mandarins;
- Top up probiotics, especially if you’ve been on antibiotics;
- Continue to supplement Vitamin D, especially during winter months and if Vit D status has been low.

- Get to bed an hour earlier than usual, and sleep in when you can.

- If you feel like your energy levels just aren’t getting back to normal, there may be factors in your individual health history that are contributing to the slow recovery; reach out for an individualised consultation, contact

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