The gentle way to come off anti-depressants

I’m finding many people have been on low-dose antidepressants for a long time and are afraid to go off them.

It can be scary not knowing if or how you would cope without medication; and with good reason - the brain becomes adapted to having the prop installed and it’s likely your mood would suffer if you stopped suddenly.

But I’ve helped many people make a gentle transition from dependency on antidepressant and anti-anxiety medication to being drug-free.

It involves putting natural mood-boosting herbs in place, and then supporting brain chemistry by providing building blocks for neurotransmitter synthesis and the nutrients needed for the brain to regulate mood. I ensure that any natural supplements recommended will not negatively interact with your medication while you are still on it.

The process of reducing your medication is a gradual process that is undertaken in conjunction with your GP. Allied therapies such as counselling can provide additional support during this process.

When making the journey to come off your medications, what you need to keep in sight is your WHY:

🌻It’s about believing that you can regain the capacity to be truly happy.

🌻It’s a commitment to nurturing yourself back to full health and full functioning.

🌻It takes commitment, but you’re worth it!

Contact me for support

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash